Graduate Students

Frank He

Credentials: M.S.


I am a fifth-year clinical psychology Ph.D. student under the mentorship of Dr. James Li. My research interests involve the structure and predictors of mental health problems in racial-ethnic minority youths. I employ advanced statistical…

Qi Zhang


Currently, I am a Doctoral candidate at the UW-Madison in the Educational Psychology department. My research interest is mainly about the interactions between children’s individual factors (i.e., genes, EF, forgiveness level) and parenting behaviors, and…

A. Brooke Sasia

Credentials: M.S.


I am a fifth year PhD student in clinical psychology studying under the mentorship of Dr. James Li. My research focuses on several areas: The structure of psychopathology, with a focus on externalizing behaviors (e.g.,…

LiChen Dong

Credentials: B.A.


I am a second-year graduate student in the clinical area working under Dr. James Li’s mentorship. My research interest lies at the intersection of behavioral genetics and clinical science. By integrating genetic and genomic methodologies,…