Dr. Li was recognized with the 2024-2025 Fall Competition Award from the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF). This award will support his project “A New Framework for Diagnosing Mental Disorders: Is it Applicable to Diverse …
Qi Defends Her Dissertation
Qi Zhang, or now Dr. Zhang, successfully defended her dissertation on Friday, April 26th 2024. Qi’s dissertation, which she presented elegantly to her committee, features complex interplay among aspects of parenting, offspring forgiveness, and mental …
Brooke Gives Capstone Talk at the Clinical Spring Research Symposium
On Friday, April 26th 2024, Brooke Sasia gave her 40-minute capstone talk at the Clinical Area Group’s Spring Research Symposium, outlining the fantastic research she has done and plans to do in SBDL at UW. …
LiChen Receives the BGA Student Travel Award
LiChen Dong was selected to receive a $300 as a BGA Travel Award to help defray costs of attending the Behavior Genetics Association Annual Meeting in London this June.
SBDL Attends HiTOP Conference
Congratulations to Frank He, Brooke Sasia, and LiChen Dong for each presenting flash talks at the inaugural meeting of the Hierarchical Taxonomy of Psychopathology (HiTOP) Conference! It was held March 16-17th in San Digeo, CA.
Brooke Receives Campus-Wide Teaching Assistant Award
Brooke is recognized for her strengths and commitment surrounding graduate teaching and is awarded the Early Excellence in Teaching Award. Brooke has enjoyed being a TA for The Criminal Mind: Forensic and Psychobiological Perspectives, Abnormal …
Frank Receives the Society for Research in Psychopathology (SRP) President’s Award!
Frank He was selected by the President’s Award Committee for the Society for Research in Psychopathology (SRP) to receive the President’s Award for outstanding research work. The award consists of free registration and up to …
Frank Accepted to Present at the 2023 APA Division 45 Research Conference!
Congratulations to Frank He for his acceptance to present at the 2023 APA Division 45 Research Conference! He will be giving a 15 minute presentation titled “Apples and Oranges? Measurement Equivalence of Psychopathology across Race-ethnicity”. …
Congrats to LiChen for First Manuscript Accepted for Publication!
Congratulations to graduate student, LiChen Dong for his first manuscript accepted for publication! This work is titled “A Longitudinal Analysis of Gene x Environment Interaction on Verbal Intelligence Across Adolescence and Early Adulthood” and can …
Qi’s Poster Accepted at the 2023 APA’s Division 07 – Developmental Psychology Conference!
Congratulations to graduate student Qi Zhang for the acceptance of her poster, “Parenting and Child Executive Function: A Multi-Informant, Multi-Method Prospective Study” at the 2023 APA Division 07 Conference.